Sunday, May 24, 2009

Illustrious Planning Tank ... Part III

Third Year: Mmmmm the time of laziness is here with hardly any brain utilising work in any of the studios. The subjects are not very forthcoming too, loads ofsurveys to be done, loads of reports to be written, loads of theory subjects to read .. phala dhimkana .. we had obviously reached a level above. Had more stories to enrich the lives of my poor juno ! ( bad girl... big mouth i blv would be some ppls thought abt me! bt i gib a _|_ to assholes ) My moms hates this period, as she thinks or perhaps it might be true to an extent .. .i went over the board with chatting, spending time on planning tank with my seniors ... (now looking back at it, i guess i went overboard .. ) It did create a daraar between me n my mom (thankfully we are back on track now ) ... i kind of hated n loved dis sem ... Fun coz i did things which otherwise i dint do pehle and hated it coz dey dint sync with ne of my general portfolio ... Showed my weaknesses and lack of strenght . I hated dis sem cause I had to work with people I completely abhor ... as in NOSPLAN ... also taught me Beta dont depend on bitches and assholes ...
bt it was kind of fun as I indulged in tadhna ... (however it has startd wid full force only dis sem VIIIth sem) I really dont have great memories of this sem as they are overshadowed by the darker memories ...
but towards the second half things did or went good ... Dear Seniors cum friends (Whom I do treasure not ass lick :P ... ) were going and so less time ... so planning tank sabhas were held in earnest especially as they dint have many classes and only reviews to gib. There were many days to fall back on such as Ram ki GPL day, orientation program, dilli haat day, Nosplan prep days, library discussions abt certain hostel hotshots ( Ha Ha baby will talk abt em )
one of the days i remember is the rally we did .. starting right from the end of external jury to going to Dilli Haat (My first visit dere ) den to Hostel wahaan se dinner den wahaan se a party playing punjabi song (we had a bad DJ for a while ) .. den sleeping in a small room wid 10 people on floor den wahaan se we got up early in the morning , attended a class, played for a while wid a toy we bought in dilli haat and den it dint end dere,.... some person had dis thought of bombarding on anku dear's place... so a contingent of +10 people landed on ankitas place for LUNCH which turned abt to be full blown
party ...
mmm i can never forget that day (nice memories ) but apart from all of dis my student did have a gala time during dis sem so will handover the control over to her ...

Snae-ha absolutely adored the third year of college!! Fifth sem was like the pinnacle of normal social behaviour, with me being friends with like majority of the class...(acquaintances, not friends).. Academically, there could have been no better choice than Zone D, as far as I was concerned! And then, of course, I chose the "dearest" sub-zones for myself which was again fun in its own unique insane way :). Alas, all good things in life come to an end. Started hating the class once again, and this time figured out a new diversion for myself, with a little help from my baest fraend! Sixth sem was UP there, as far as fun is concerned, with like ZERO help from B.Plan. The people we were interacting with were a class apart (literally too).. Those fun times... Twas like being in school again... I love those days! I always wish for those to come back, as far as SPA is concerned. I owe so many thanks to random ppl for tht. Well, at least, they would be remembered in a positive way, more often than not, throughout the rest of my life, which is far more than I can say for the other shitbags...

I have been asked to specifically state the contribution of the Planning Tank.. so here goes for the sixth sem..
I have endlessly NSP-ed (:D) on a specific "boy... not a girl" whilst sitting on the Tank. Of course, my then dearest has also appreciated the view from the Planning Tank when he chanced upon sitting there, and then I had to switch my haunt to the "New Haunting" which is actually so much of a cleaner space than the Tank. I have had a lotta fun memories of NSP-ing at the Tank or of the view of the Tank, so I owe much of my "happy"-ness to the Planning Tank.. (I hope T! is satisfied now!!!)

T!'s turn again....

Fourth Year:
Fourth Yr ... dis tumultuous year has jst proved Karma is a Bitch ... patha nahi kab ke karma they mere ki Fourth year (Exclusively Seventh Sem.) was a pain in the ass ... an all time low with phony shallow fickle minded ppl ...
also fourth yr proved dat we form the upper notch of the pyramid but with hardly any stories to spread around except offcourse to make some one the bakra and harass there mental capacities ... apart from making me mourn death of self pride, i did ghissu the planning on various occasions of asslicking (the previous batch loved dere college a lot and use to come quite a bit ), Nosplan planning and even placement annoncments (as said by certain ppl ... i object though ) and usual social bakar I indulged in.

But Eight Sem till now has been the best of all time till now i believe (i mean lately atleast ) ... I have done NSP like anything .. from pretty boy, superman, angry young man et all not one left . oh have formed a small niche wid very like minded people which i love spending time with a lot. All the time when ever we find time free i.e. 30 mins break for Rondu's class, between discussions, aftr classes, in between various classes, during NSP we carry out activities of bitching, laughing, joking, commenting on dismal volleyball moves of u noe ;), NSPing, kodaking (new activity with the presence of Cameras, good mobiles, we go click click on whim of neone)..... jst abt nething we can possibly do on Planning Tank.

Now fourth year was a serious low as far as at least Seventh sem was concerned. I did not excessively grace the Planning Tank wid my presence often. Whatever little NSP that I continued was more from the "New Haunting" than the Tank... This sem being an all-time low deserves only this mention. Come Eighth semester, found my group of ppl again and started "parking my ass" a lot more frequently on the Tank again. This semester now seems to be hovering somewhere between the second- and the third-best semester of B.Plan., which is pretty high praise indeed, all said and done. Ab jab kaam hi nahi hoga aur bohot sahi si company hogi, toh Tank par hi toh time guzarna padega!!

All the asses in the house Rock the Tank ...Quote by T

Illustroius Planning Tank .... Part II

Second Year: No more the torture of the 'story telling' as you have moved one notch above and are now the part of the whole system. The system is ruled by Vella fourth yr (who come to college just for the sake of it and sit till the evening), the middle rung being the third year and the second yrs form the lowest level of the hierarchy. As second yrs the semesters provide a complete dichotomy with technical transport planning and then followed by illogical surie sem of site planning. But what so ever be the studio, the result is a exhausted planner in training with bundles of sheets to drag back home. So planning tank is a real life saver for all students with excellent n comfortable sitting, located in proximity to the mahendra bhai canteen and with minimum area for enemy fire (Teachers basically). So after classes you find a comfortable mix of unlucky first years, exhausted second yrs, lazy bums of third years and wise fourth years. Also this time marks for the time when data begging starts at an earnest, especially the transport sem, wen people are too busy to work out sections, figures on there own. Also in the second half tips for model making, home/house designing, satisfying SURIE are other topics discussed with vigor.

Snae-ha has a different view, though! I loved the Transport Sem. I actually made friends in tht good-for-nothin studio, with absolute incompetents "professionals" taking classes (I give a damn if anyone has objections to my choice of adjectives!). That was the time I started openly ignoring seniors who I didn't give a damn about, and hung out wid ppl that I called my acquaintances. I was not exhausted in this particular studio at all! Site planning, however, was as difficult as predicted. It didn't help to have pseudo-intellectual "ppl" state crap like "This Studio allows me to exploit my creativity to the max"... *Yawn*.... And, a whole string of abuses reserved for ppl like tht... But still, I did not incessantly hang out at the Planning Tank...

Over to T! Ma'am again!

waise what sneha kid is saying is pretty accurate, our batch had loads of fun in this semester... i changed specifically to match up wid shitty standards ... the changes undertaken are still undergoing impact analysis... lets c ... however we are talking planning talk not my pyscho analysis...