Sunday, May 24, 2009

Illustroius Planning Tank .... Part II

Second Year: No more the torture of the 'story telling' as you have moved one notch above and are now the part of the whole system. The system is ruled by Vella fourth yr (who come to college just for the sake of it and sit till the evening), the middle rung being the third year and the second yrs form the lowest level of the hierarchy. As second yrs the semesters provide a complete dichotomy with technical transport planning and then followed by illogical surie sem of site planning. But what so ever be the studio, the result is a exhausted planner in training with bundles of sheets to drag back home. So planning tank is a real life saver for all students with excellent n comfortable sitting, located in proximity to the mahendra bhai canteen and with minimum area for enemy fire (Teachers basically). So after classes you find a comfortable mix of unlucky first years, exhausted second yrs, lazy bums of third years and wise fourth years. Also this time marks for the time when data begging starts at an earnest, especially the transport sem, wen people are too busy to work out sections, figures on there own. Also in the second half tips for model making, home/house designing, satisfying SURIE are other topics discussed with vigor.

Snae-ha has a different view, though! I loved the Transport Sem. I actually made friends in tht good-for-nothin studio, with absolute incompetents "professionals" taking classes (I give a damn if anyone has objections to my choice of adjectives!). That was the time I started openly ignoring seniors who I didn't give a damn about, and hung out wid ppl that I called my acquaintances. I was not exhausted in this particular studio at all! Site planning, however, was as difficult as predicted. It didn't help to have pseudo-intellectual "ppl" state crap like "This Studio allows me to exploit my creativity to the max"... *Yawn*.... And, a whole string of abuses reserved for ppl like tht... But still, I did not incessantly hang out at the Planning Tank...

Over to T! Ma'am again!

waise what sneha kid is saying is pretty accurate, our batch had loads of fun in this semester... i changed specifically to match up wid shitty standards ... the changes undertaken are still undergoing impact analysis... lets c ... however we are talking planning talk not my pyscho analysis...

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