Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The beginning of Curiosity....

Alpha and Beta have nothing in common, have no similarity within them. However their combined stint at the training, all thanks to Gamma, was their first stalking project together. Beta was not very comfortable at that time with Alpha, unknown to the fact that he belongs to the same stalking community (By many insecure people such as Delta, cant phantom that some people like to stay online and do anything apart from checking out porno !! So beta always did avoid talking abt stalking) . However in the first two days only we stalked our very first hunting target, Mr. Franky was his name, Mandy was her first charm, second followed was Rao, and Ms. Chau kept the marathon running (Current status unknown: he is too much of a boring character to waste our resources on). Mandy's second prey was Jacky and Jacky's second was Gamma. However, the ditcher Jacky went of to ditch Gamma and left her numb and sober, both Alpha and Beta are not happy with this, and who knows may be Jacky would become their future prey.

But amidst all this chains and swish pool of individuals Mr. Franky, failed once again at being planner just as he did as an Architect. He further went on to lose Miss Rao, as she flew away with her Hog Friend to Malaysia. The not so sweet looking, but smart enough, the lady 'Hog' was the charm of our NOSPLAN Ex- President Mr. Amrood. But, before the subject gets lost let's focus, Mr. Franky had a secret crush on Miss Chau. Her sporty looks coupled with her moves, set Franky's tongue rolling which set the stage for 'A scarp a night' saga. If talked about here at length, will make Alpha and Beta fall on there respective systems and not allow them to carry on there voyeur activities on internet!

The crap-scrap story never went any further, but our very own Franky went on to Work with our lovely Ms. Rho. Flabbergasted by this decade old alumni (she herself was able to make safe transition through the muddled waters of PGism in SPA). Miss Rho became a happy and sweet child, tossed into a fix with Mr. Zilch by Diabetic UG's. But the holy cow Aka Ms. Chimney went on to grab Mr. Zilch and sent him further into negativity. Till date Ms. Rho hasn't revived from the chip in her aromour ...... Sigh ..... Alpha reporting.

However Miss Rho wasn't alone in the UG-PG saga, the curls of Miss Wave added a certain charm to the imaginative fishbowl of True planners - The Planning tank. Long gone are the times when people were mesmerized by the enchanting frizz inclusive of Mr. Hades big and brawn consorting with his beast all over Dilli followed closely Ms. Persephone. Pity, this being kalyug the ancient story was flipped out with Persephone roaring for her love yet not an iota of those warm fuzzy feelings were returned. Seemingly unkown to all of this mess was Miss Single, her tighly sculpted bod never stopped panting for her lost love Mr. Lambda. Mr. lambda was so unaware of his own wavelength that he could never sync with the wavelength of Ms. Gamma. Ms. Single ever the one ready to mingle flew onto the much hyped peaceful place for oldies to cash in but alas that's a story for another night. For the time being let's try to muddle out from hormonal haunt and jump onto overseas scenario.

Mr. Hades lost onto the his will finally sauntered to the land of opportunities (Being the period of recession, this metaphor is under question). He once again met nancy and Sandy once a hot happening couple of SPA. A lost story in the history, its space here in the future. What happened next is another story of the male strutting and baiting women parading in sexy legs on the Streets of New York, I wish if only New York was in India!

Phew! It's hard to keep running amidst the make ups and break ups, it's the same story everywhere. Lost in the american dream, Mr-I-am-Not-So-Fine-Anymore-But-will-Survive lost hold of the deeply cherished asset Amber to a ruthless and silent bid to an unknown locus. What's left is him stranded with charred remains of the lost treasure and friends in shadows bidding there time for him to resurface. In this numb silence of the irrecoverable loss Alpha and Beta don't feel like writing on the subject anymore. Signing off for the time being - Alpha and Beta, Long live SPA and long live Chomu (A place next to Jaipur, Chomu in Rajasthani means - Chutiya, P.S. - Alpha and Beta did their training there).

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