Friday, November 6, 2009

We know we studied in SPA part II

When you know each and every of your seniors and juniors by full name.

When planning tank is the most happening place in your life.
When only drink you drink is Nimbus
When only breakfast you take is Samosa with Rajma.
You always have debt of Mahender bhaiya.
When instead of pocket money you ask for money for printing sheets from your parents.
When after every review you celebrate irrespective of the marks scored.
When your classmates remind you about the assignment minutes before the submission and you still make it on time.
You always say yes for any kind of job.
Taking a bath is a wastage of time.
When there is no difference bw classmates, seniors and juniors.
When the professor gives you one third attendance.
When professor tell you not to fudge but to do intelligent manipulation.

honest contribution by Manish Chauhan / cruisealongthewind

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